Cool picture that I want to show off


Just saw my cleaner shrimp giving my yellow watchman goby dental work. Snapped a pretty good picture and just had to show it off to someone :D


Active Member
Try selling the pic to some publications. I'm sure theyd love to run a story with taht pic.....

nm reef

Active Member
Outstanding pic....I keep a pair of cleaners and they are always busy...very entertaining lil creatures!:cool:



Originally posted by CSRobe02
Ahh they grow up so fast :p

ah so true
Very nice Pic!!


KOOL!! My shrimp doesnt do a squat of cleaning. He goes berzerk if my pseudo goes near him when hes hanging upside down on my Toadstool leather. Scares the crap out of the fish.:D


Active Member
Balashark, Yup, cleaner shrimp are completely reef safe and will do well in a 30g. You could even get two, which IME means they will be more bold as they have to compete with each other a little for food. BTW, there are many shrimp in the "cleaner shrimp" family. Most common are: peppermint, scarlet skunk, fire (or blood), and coral banded. I would recommend all but the coral banded, as they can become aggressive (not hard to believe with the unusually large claws they have for a shrimp). However, when most people refer to a "cleaner shrimp" they are referring to the scarlet skunk, which is the best one of the bunch, IMO. Though the fire shrimp is arguably more beautiful, it is also more timid, so you may not see it as much.