Cool story about a canary wrasse

I have a 65 gallon tank and like a month ago i got a 220 gallon. After the 220 gallon was cycled i started to move the fish and live rock to the bigger tank yesterday. I took all of the live rock out of the 65 gallon and put it in the 220 gallon then went to catch the fish to aclimate them. My canary wrasse has always been an artist at hiding. everyday around 3 or 4 he would prettyy much disapper from the tank and me or my friends could never find him till the next morning when hes back swimmin around waiting to be fed. well i always figured he was is some unseen crevice of the live rock and i was upset when i didnt find him after taking all of the rock out. I thought that he got eatin by my snowflake eel because i looked forever for him. I moved all the gravel rock everything and he never showed up so i guessed he got eaten. so after moving the rock and fish out of the 65 gallon i drained over 3/4's of the water from my 65 to my 220. then filled the 65 gallon back up with freshwater so i would get water lines on the tank im going to sell. left it like that for about 3 hours until i decided that i was going to put salt in it so that i could keep the eel alive until i could give him away. So for the next hour or so i added salt until the salinity was right. put the eel in the tank and then went to sleep. this morning i woke up and was amazed because my canary wrasse was just swimmin around in the 65 gallon. have no clue where he came from. but i caught him and aclimated him and now hes perfectly happy with the immense swimming room he newly has.


Wait, I'm confused....
The tank had nothing but water in it? Then you added the eel and voila the wrasse reappeared? How is that possible? How strange!

coral keeper

Active Member
The wrasse was hiding in the sand. I have a Yellow Coris Wrasse and my coris wrasse sleeps in the sand bed. Here are a few pictures of my Yellow Coris Wrasse poking his little head out when the lights just came on.



yeah i had the same thing happen to me when i upgraded from my 30 to my 72 could not find him and then the next day went to move the tank out side with just like 2 or 3 in ches of water left in the tank and there he was swimming around.
Never made that mistake again
and about the hiding at an exact time mine is as good as a clock comes out and goes in at the exact same time every day just like clockwork


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
The wrasse was hiding in the sand. I have a Yellow Coris Wrasse and my coris wrasse sleeps in the sand bed. Here are a few pictures of my Yellow Coris Wrasse poking his little head out when the lights just came on.

Ok, those pictures freak me out. If I saw my Coris doing that I would have a heart attack! I've never seen my Coris hide or come out of hiding. When the lights are off he is gone and sometime before the lights come back on he is out and swimming around. He doesn't even hide when I am doing tank maintance. He is a brave little wrasse!


Active Member
Funny story :)
Those are cool pics coralkeeper, great detail. I've seen my YW "poff" into the sand a couple of times but I've never gotten it on film.