cool tank pictures


Emmitt2- where did you get your new 180G tank, stand and canopy? My husband and I are looking to upgrade our 40G. I know this might be a stupid question, but what are those two black vertical like wide tubes in your tank? Also, who made that tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nanahugs
Emmitt2- where did you get your new 180G tank, stand and canopy? My husband and I are looking to upgrade our 40G. I know this might be a stupid question, but what are those two black vertical like wide tubes in your tank? Also, who made that tank?
I'm not emmitt2, but those two "black vertical like wide tubes" are internal overflows. They draft water downward into a sump, and then the water is pumped back through a return line also inside that overflow and is returned to your tank.


Originally Posted by nanahugs
Emmitt2- where did you get your new 180G tank, stand and canopy? My husband and I are looking to upgrade our 40G. I know this might be a stupid question, but what are those two black vertical like wide tubes in your tank? Also, who made that tank?
I got it at a lfs here in Ft. Lauderdale.
The "black tubes" are the overflows and its a All Glass Aquarium.


Thanks Emitt for the info on your cool new tank. Lil ol Lexington, Kentucky does not have much in the way of larger tanks and stands, so I will need to surf the net. The largest tank and stand that I can find here is 75G and I think I would want to upgrade that one in a hurry.


Active Member
emmitt2... yeah i added more LR probably about another 40-50lbs of it....
my original amount from my 100 wasnt enought o put as many corals as i wanted all over the place....
i still might add another 25lbs or so in the center and move my clam....
miamireefr.... yeah those battery back up systems are worth it to help ensure flow until u get home to turn to power on with the generator or whatever....
yeah those gonis are tricky good luck with them in ur tank


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
I like the blue tang in the 36! Lol, I'm guessing he is going to be packing his bags for the 180?
Lol, actually he is. The tang is the first fish we bought for the tank in january 05 before we knew anything
You'd be shocked if you knew what the tang, clown and carpet have been thru :scared: