In process of setting up a cool water tank for local marine life only (San Diego, CA - 60 degrees in wintertime, 70 degrees in summer - Average 65 degrees). I have the impression that the cleaning crews that are talked about here and sold at are of the tropical variety and not what I need for my tank.
Can anybody tell me how I can find out what the local cleaning speices are around here? Any keywords I can use in my search on the internet? Ie, how do I determine which animals clean and which don't? Hermit Crabs? Snails? Shrimp? What else?
Can anybody tell me how I can find out what the local cleaning speices are around here? Any keywords I can use in my search on the internet? Ie, how do I determine which animals clean and which don't? Hermit Crabs? Snails? Shrimp? What else?