Cool Water Cleaning Crew?


In process of setting up a cool water tank for local marine life only (San Diego, CA - 60 degrees in wintertime, 70 degrees in summer - Average 65 degrees). I have the impression that the cleaning crews that are talked about here and sold at are of the tropical variety and not what I need for my tank.
Can anybody tell me how I can find out what the local cleaning speices are around here? Any keywords I can use in my search on the internet? Ie, how do I determine which animals clean and which don't? Hermit Crabs? Snails? Shrimp? What else?


Kicking this back to the front page. Any particular keywords to use in my search? I notice that the life sold here at this site does not list any water temperature ranges whatsoever.



Active Member
This is a tough one. THe animals sold here and basically on any saltwater site will NOT work in a temperate water tank like you have...and even if they did, what is the point if you are doing a local biotope
Very very few people do this sort of tank.
What are the collecting regulations in your area? I would get in touch with some local folks...maybe at a local aquarium (they often have an education department) or fish and game/park ranger type. If I am not mistaken, this is for a classroom, no? They may be able to help you out best. There are places that sell temperate water organisms - often scientific suppliers. If this was an Atlantic tank I could help!! But Pacific - I've got no real clue.
Anyway, hermits tend to clean but larger one's can also be predatory. Ditto with certain snails - some are grazers, some are predatory, some will be content with scavenging. Brittlestars are good scavengers as well.


Originally Posted by ophiura
What are the collecting regulations in your area?
I've applied for an scientific collection permit ($58) from the state department of game and fish and am waiting for the paperwork to be processed and approved. When it comes back, it will tell me what I can and cannot collect outside of regular sportfishing regulations. Basically protected, special watch and endangered animals cannot be collected. I know that much at this point.
Normally, having the kids do all the of research/leg work would be best idea since it'd be educational and fun for them, but I teach special education and the highest reading level of any of students is at the 3rd grade. Most are at the kindergarden level. I'm thinking of finding some names to provide them with and then having them find me pictures, then I'd bring a bunch back (making sure I have some of the ones that they want) in a big container and have them sort through them and pick out the ones that would be ideal for the classroom tank.
I'll keep looking and asking around.