coolest avatar!?

hmmm i think everyone is going to be a little bias to that question hhands361.
LOL and of course ... MINE is the coolest !! Snakes and Fish !! :eek: :D
I like... MY avatar the best. hehe :D Really, I think my avatar is the cutest (kittens are ALWAYS cute), nolofinwe's old avatar of the toilet is the strangest, chef jaysen has a pretty good one, and I like slothy's as overall best. Of course, maybe that's just cause I like sloths...


Active Member
normally, I would say mine, but yours has more reason, since you had photographed it yourself. Nice pic


No Whites up that far, we did have a couple of 16 foot Grey Whalers come in, but not close enough for the pics to turn out good.


Active Member
Hey, it is obveously mine. :rolleyes: My flame would just die if he wasn't voted the best. :eek: Besides everytime I turn around a nubie is using it, so it must be the best, RIGHT, RIGHT! ;) Ok, just remember when picking, the life of my poor angle hangs in the balance. (snifle snifle):(


Active Member
My vote is for jamesurg. Yeah baby! But I also am strangely attracted to ryebread's, though sometimes I am scared by it. Can't really explain that. There are a few that I like actually, but can't remember all the names.


Active Member
Hobbes rocks, James always makes me laugh, and ophiura I had a nightmare about yours once, and J21 kicksters is darn cool(you guys seen the preview for "Finding NEMO"


Active Member
If you don't think about it as dancing, but think about it as more of chasing.......and believe me the one thing I don't need is more stress.


Active Member
So like, there is this really cool video (this is totally true, BTW), of deep sea brittlestars (that have these really sharp pointy teeth and stuff), and they actually catch rather large fish and squid (but more like a head lock type approach than the green brittle cage) and a bunch of brittlestars will jump on board and eat these critters alive...there is this one scene where they are eating a squid, which is trying to get away in desperation, and one brittlestar has a tentacle of the squid and it is just munching straight down like it is eating a hot dog.
Hope that helps with your nightmares. THEY REALLY CAN (I mean can't) CATCH YOU.
RUN RUN RUUUUUNNNNN (I didn't make it myself.)