coolest avatar!?


New Member

Originally posted by javatech
No. i wish. i got it a few years ago from my brother my anemone picked a spot behind a rock so all i see are my clowns poping in and out of the cave that it in

Actually, That was my old avatar when I used to post regularly on the board. I made that animation and a few others as well. Glad to see someone is still using it!



Originally posted by ijji
Actually, That was my old avatar when I used to post regularly on the board. I made that animation and a few others as well. Glad to see someone is still using it!

r u javatech's bro or is he just lying, lol:D



Originally posted by DfishH
r u javatech's bro or is he just lying, lol:D

I think My bro is lying. i thought it was too good of work for him :D :p :rolleyes:
good work ijji do you mind if i keep using it :)


Hey, Mine is the best yet. Actually, it's pretty lame but it was the best I could find for a tooth doc.


Active Member

Originally posted by Scotts
I am having a problem trying to size this, but when I do get it sized right this will be mine. It is my daughter doing her Arthur. I have no idea what that means. Oh yeah, when I get this up.....I win. :D


New Member
Originally posted by javatech
good work ijji do you mind if i keep using it :)
please do:D
There are some more shots of that clown in this thread, including a movie of the spawning process:
I'd link to the thread, but the site doesn't support inner forum links due to the frameset. The thread ID is 60944


I think I should win because in my 20 odd years of being a fan, it would be nice if the Cubs could be attached to winning in some capacity. Please, look in your hearts and understand how miserable this team has made my life. Throw me a bone.;)


I'm not sure what's tougher, being a Red Sox fan like me...or being a Cubs fan like you. it's a toss up.
Either way....wrigley field is amazing! I loved it when I was there!


I just set up my avatar so I had to show it off! :p Blue Ring's are so pretty, it's a shame they are so dangerous!


c'mon. you can practically hear the "pshhhhhhht" of the hydraulics on my avatar. ok, so it's pretty ghetto, but deserves at least one ghetto vote. LOL

shimmy yaz

New Member
IMO this is the dumbest thread ever it has nothing to do with the hobby that has brought us all together. Maybe a poll on who has the best setup or something might be worth while?!?!?!?!