Coolest Inverts


I'm thnkin about setting up a tank containing a nice school of chromis or something like that and a bunch of crabs/shrimp/etc.
I'm going for alot of vibrant color in this tank, without coral, so I was wondering if you all could help me out and give me tips on what some of the most vibrant/flourescent colored inverts are?


Active Member
You will find the best colors in starfish and shrimps but I dont know much about mixing a lot different inverts. Be carefull and research each animal because alot depends on size of tank and if they will get along or kill each other.


It is going to be a 75 gallon tank so i figure i can have a pretty decent amount of inverts. I'd like to have an arrow crab for one.


Active Member
Halloween Hermits, Bumblebee Shrimp, Japanese Pistol Shrimp, Blood Red Fire Shrimp, Marbled Sea Stars....just a few.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Bumblebee Shrimp... Marbled Sea Stars....
Bumblebee shrimp have the same feeding habits as harlequin shrimp. :)


cleaner shrimp are always nice
marble starfish is very cool-lookin', i agree
nassarius (sp) snails to keep substrate nice
varius hermit crabs
flame scallops if you've got good flow
Arrow crab- i might be wrong but i don't think they do too well. know people who's died in a month


Active Member
Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
Bumblebee shrimp have the same feeding habits as harlequin shrimp. :) shouldve stated that, when I posted the list. I wasnt meaning for all of those to go together...just stating ones that were colorful.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2 shouldve stated that, when I posted the list. I wasnt meaning for all of those to go together...just stating ones that were colorful.
Yeah, I just wanted to clarify.
I think starfish don't really have an aggresion problem with each other. i think the problem is food. Starfish needs lots of food, and in the case of linkia's, and fromia's this food is hard to grow. So depends on the type.


so my goal is to have a tank full of a bunch of little critters crawling on the rocks and such, what are some inverts i could have a multiple number and variety of that would all go together?


Active Member
nope on the horseshoe crab, need a VERY large/deep and cleared of rocks sand bed, and they will knock over your rock. ALso the linkia would need like 125 pounds plus of accesible LR.


Active Member
Linckia: after about a year, if you have 100 pounds of LR or more.
Cleaner shrimp: sure.
Horseshoe crab: absolutely not.


Active Member
Put that chick from your avatar in the tank and its sure to get a lot of peoples attention.
Btw Wax.. you call them blue/orange knuckle hermits... we call them 'electric blue hermit' and 'halloween hermit'.


Active Member
Halloween hermit is a totally different one actually, lemme grab a picture from somewhere...


Active Member
You dont have to. I've seen pics of what some people call the halloween. I just know that >here< we call the ones you posted halloween hermits. I had one until it pissed me off by grabbing food out of my brains mouth < that sounds strange.