Coolest Inverts


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Ciliopagurus strigatus
, halloween hermit
My LFS, ordered a Halloween Hermit, because I told him I wanted one, and he got in the Orange Knuckle.

Halloween's aren't really considered reef safe, but MAN are they cool looking!


Active Member
Of course, my LFS also tried to order a Blue Knuckle and they got a HUGE Dardanus hermit, with blue knuckles.

I looked him up in Sprung's invert book... not even CLOSE to reef safe, seriously carnivorous and can kill small fish.


Active Member
I notice that a certain online vendor calls them Blue Knuckle and Electric Orange respectively. That's the problem with common names!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I notice that a certain online vendor calls them Blue Knuckle and Electric Orange respectively. That's the problem with common names!

Names differ a lot in this hobby. Where you might call a yellow tang just that.. I call them HEY STOP PICKING THE FRIGGIN FOOD OUT OF MY BRAIN CORAL YOU IDIOT, GO EAT YOUR NASTY GREEN CRAP IN THE BLUE CLIP... you see the difference?


I don't plan on keeping corals in this tank, just fish and inverts. My fish list as of now includes
Royal Gramma
Midas Blenny
Banggai Cardinal
Green Chromis School
Oscellaris Clown
Purple FIrefish
Barred Dartfish
Pearly Jawfish
Bicolor Pseudo
What can and cannot keep in a 75g. As many of those as possible would be awesome. I plan on having lots of hermits and snails. I'd like to have some emerald crabs, some cleaner shrimp, and maybe some other cool shrimp (compatible ideas?)
what do yall think?


as far as the horshoe crab goes i've heard of a much smaller species and one that grows over a foot in length... if you know the scientific name id let you know... but imo fire shrimp,cleaner shrimp,sexy shrimp,harlequin shrimp are all very nice inverts...harlequin's just need starfish which can get expensive


Active Member
You need a deep sand bed for the jawfish, i have a 6 inch DSB for my jawfish, and I still think it might be better to have more. If you are getting a dsb, also look into a pistol shrimp, shrimp goby combo


Active Member
Originally Posted by tarhull87
Would a linkia starfish and a cleaner shrimp work in that group there?
Also, what about horshoe crabs?
In a very well established 75g tank with very good water conditions and LOTS of LR (at least 75lbs) a Linckia multiflora would be suitable. Other Linckia (eg orange) are marginal...and blue is out of the question, IMO. Fromia also, IMO, is a poor choice. Certain brittlestars may be suitable as well...but some may pose a threat to the shrimp.


ok, so starfish are out of the question. Crabs and shrimp are all I will have as far as critters then. How about a group of camel shrimp, a group of cleaner shrimp, and a monkey shrimp?
well i'm not gonna have a DSB, just a 1-2inch w/ a insump refugium or somethin like that. Will the rest of the fish in that combo work together? I know they won't mess with my inverts , just curious about w/ each other. Any other fish recommendations to add to that? How about the bioload, I figure since these are all small fish and don't get very large, it shouldn't be a problem?


Active Member
There is a potential issue with the bicolor pseudo and the royal gramma. They are similar in color and body shape, and neither is a pacifist. In a large enough tank with enough LR, you may be fine, but it is a possible issue.


I noticed that they are very similar and considered that to be a problem, I think i'll go with the bicolor pseudo
well i'm not gonna have a DSB, just a 1-2inch w/ a insump refugium or somethin like that. Will the rest of the fish in that combo work together? I know they won't mess with my inverts , just curious about w/ each other. Any other fish recommendations to add to that? How about the bioload, I figure since these are all small fish and don't get very large, it shouldn't be a problem
Originally Posted by tarhull87
I don't plan on keeping corals in this tank, just fish and inverts. My fish list as of now includes
Midas Blenny
Banggai Cardinal
Green Chromis School
Oscellaris Clown
Purple FIrefish
Barred Dartfish
Pearly Jawfish
Bicolor Pseudo
What can and cannot keep in a 75g. As many of those as possible would be awesome. I plan on having lots of hermits and snails. I'd like to have some emerald crabs, some cleaner shrimp, and maybe some other cool shrimp (compatible ideas?)
what do yall think?