copepod question


My mom's sump/refugium has loads of copepods - they are very visible to the eye, and there are swarms of them. Are copepods able to get from the sump up into the tank on their own, or do we need to manually transfer some from the sump to the main tank? I am asking because eventually she wants to get a mandarin goby or a scooter blenny, and we want to get the copepods multiplying in the tank so that there are plenty when she eventually gets one. Since we have not visibly seen any on the LR in the main tank, we don't know if she has any in there.
Sorry if this is a silly question!

scopus tang

Active Member
Not silly! Yes, the pods should travel through the sump system and into the DT on their own. Usually when there are enough, you will see them in the DT at night - walk in and turn on a flashlight - generally they will be all over the glass.


Active Member
you also can transfer rock between the sump and tank if you want to transfer more than will go through the plumbing.


currently there is no rock in the sump. Do you mean place a piece in there for awhile, then move it to DT?


since there is no rock in the sump you can also use a small fine net and net them up into the display if there are enough of them in there.