Those are reefpods brand. AFAIK, they are a tisbe genus of pods. I've used reefpods; they're very easy to breed in a 2.5g tank with greenwater and an airstone. They do very well in a sump with chaeto, LR, etc. Just FYI, though -- the package never says this, but it's still best to do a mini-acclimation for the bag. Float the bag for 15 minutes, open up the spout and add a little tank water, keep floating.......add a little more tankwater, then add them at night with the lights out. If you use a sump, add them directly to the sump. If you have a HOB filter or canister, turn the filter off for 10 minutes and let the pods find the sides of the tank and the LR. Otherwise you risk filtering out your fifteen dollar purchase!
Reefpods are very, very small when shipped.....somehow it seems like they only ship young pods. How they do this, I'll never know. But even adult pods are darn near impossible to see. If you have a magnifying glass, take a look at the tank in the evening before the lights go out. Look in the corners of the tank and down near the sand bed. You oughtta find some.