copepod question



I just ordered the copepods from SWF and am curious how small are they when they come? I could not see anything in the bag other than the green water with microalgae. I added them directly to my display tank which has about 50 lbs of 5 year old live rock, but I don't think I have ever seen any in my tank. Do they come out in the day or night?


I bought Tigger copepods for my fuge and I was able able to see them. They were a little bit smaller than brine shrimp, but fully visible


Active Member
Tigger pods are the larger of the pods that are commonly seen on the market. There are 2 others that are bottled and sold retail that are much smaller and harder to see. When I bring the Tisbe pods in, people scrunch up their nose and squint to try and see them. They are not the hot seller because they are so small and the Tiggers are so pleasing to the hobbyist's eyes.... but the Tisbe in the better pod for seeding your refugium.
Tigger pods will not seed a refugium. They do not reproduce well at reef temperatures. This pod is better for spot feeding.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Tigger pods are the larger of the pods that are commonly seen on the market. There are 2 others that are bottled and sold retail that are much smaller and harder to see. When I bring the Tisbe pods in, people scrunch up their nose and squint to try and see them. They are not the hot seller because they are so small and the Tiggers are so pleasing to the hobbyist's eyes.... but the Tisbe in the better pod for seeding your refugium.
Tigger pods will not seed a refugium. They do not reproduce well at reef temperatures. This pod is better for spot feeding.
I just read about that and now I want to buy some of the Tisbe pods. Any suggestions on where to buy them from?


Active Member
There are several supplies out there, just make sure you get a product where the species is listed... not one that simply says "live copepods".


I don't know what kind they are. They are from so are listed under their inverts page, but it does not specify anything other than reef pods. They said you could add them to the main tank, but I never saw them or noticed any specs moving etc.


Well-Known Member
Those are reefpods brand. AFAIK, they are a tisbe genus of pods. I've used reefpods; they're very easy to breed in a 2.5g tank with greenwater and an airstone. They do very well in a sump with chaeto, LR, etc. Just FYI, though -- the package never says this, but it's still best to do a mini-acclimation for the bag. Float the bag for 15 minutes, open up the spout and add a little tank water, keep floating.......add a little more tankwater, then add them at night with the lights out. If you use a sump, add them directly to the sump. If you have a HOB filter or canister, turn the filter off for 10 minutes and let the pods find the sides of the tank and the LR. Otherwise you risk filtering out your fifteen dollar purchase!
Reefpods are very, very small when shipped.....somehow it seems like they only ship young pods. How they do this, I'll never know. But even adult pods are darn near impossible to see. If you have a magnifying glass, take a look at the tank in the evening before the lights go out. Look in the corners of the tank and down near the sand bed. You oughtta find some.