

Active Member
a lot! unless u hv a good size (at least 8-12 month old) tank w lots of live rocks, i wouldnt get one since it will starve without enough copepods to eat.


Active Member
a lot! unless u hv a good size (at least 8-12 month old) tank w lots of live rocks (more than 100 lbs), i wouldnt get one since it will starve without enough copepods to eat.


Active Member
a little clarification:
my 90 gallon has 125lbs of rock. my fuge has more chaeto than i know what to do with, and rubble rock in there as well.
i don't think my mandarin is as fat as he should be. my tank is over a year old.
don't starve these fish. don't get one if you think you may not have enough food for it, because you probably dont


Active Member
This may be one of those "if you have to ask...."
You can probably do some scientific research on it, but I know I've seen far too thin mandarins and scooters in reasonably sized tanks.


Im also interested in this. I have a 180 gallon tank with 200 lbs of LR. However, when I recieved this LR Im sure there was nothing living on it. I was planning on purchasing the bags of copods for sale on this website. I think theres 200 copods in those bags? How long would it take for them to reproduce into a decent amount after adding them?