

i want to start breeding copepods in my tank. How should i breed them in my tank and how will i know if i have a copepod population?

pastor b.

Cope pods are in live sand,and live rock. once these are in your aquarium, the cope pods will come out only while the lights are off,then, you'll be able to see them on the tank glass. Just use a flashlight a few hours after your lights are off . Cope pods will live off of left over food from your fish, if you overfeed your fish,you'll have to many of them.They multiply quickly.


I was gonna say the same thing. I have thousands of them and they are always out on the glass at all times.
I dumped a jar of DT's copods in the tank about 3-4 weeks ago and didnt see anything for a couple of weeks and then all of a sudden I got little white specks moving all over my glass. not very big yet, but they will be. When I get my refugium set up im going to get some cheato from the LFS and hes got huge pods infesting his plants that will come with it and breed along with the ones I allready have in the tank.
I dont have anything but a lionfish thats hanging out in there right now so obviously nothing is eating the pods at the moment :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
What exactly are DTs pods anyway.
dt's pods are just a name brand Harpacticoid copepod, live. they dont identify the species but if you google it you can see tyh images and identify the species if you feel like you have the urge.


thanks guys. so far ive only seen about 4 and i saw them at night. ill buy a pack of copepods and put them in my tank. DT's what im looking for then?