Copper band butterfly has black lumps on fins


Originally Posted by powerbrowntang
Can anybody tell me what this might be and how to cure it ?
Welcome to the boards!! Can you please give us much more information? How long have you had him? What sized tank is this and how long has it beed set up? What are your current readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, sg, and temp? Has he been eating, if so, what has he been eating? Could you post a picture of this?


New Member
I have 120gal tank
nitrates o
nitrite .5
ph 8.4
salinty 1.024 temperture is 75degrees
tank has been up for 7 months i have 2 perc clowns and 2 green chromis and of course the butterfly and assorted soft corals and inverts ..the copper band has been in tank for 4 weeks and is eating copods mainly


Originally Posted by powerbrowntang
I have 120gal tank
nitrates o
nitrite .5
ph 8.4
salinty 1.024 temperture is 75degrees
tank has been up for 7 months i have 2 perc clowns and 2 green chromis and of course the butterfly and assorted soft corals and inverts ..the copper band has been in tank for 4 weeks and is eating copods mainly
Do you have nitrite or nitrate? If you have nitrite then you have to find out why. The temp and sg are a tad low. They should be 1.026 and 79-80 degrees. Do the brown lumps stick off of the body or just dark areas on his surface?


Originally Posted by powerbrowntang
Just wondering if this could this be some kind of fungus ???
Not likely, fungal infections are extremely rare in SW fish. Please take a close look and answer my previous question. A picture would seriously help here.