Copper Banded Butterflies

I was just wondering if anyone has one in their reef. My friend had one it worked well with his reef. Just want to see if anyone else has had any luck with them!


Active Member
A friend of mine has one in his 75g reef. Doesn't have any problems with other fish (tangs included), but does eat any fan worm that may pop up, and has ripped the snorkels out of many a nassarious snail...great looking fish though.


i put one in my reef, lasted three days and back to the lfs we went, picked at everything. if you do it, keep a close eye and make sure the lfs will take it back if need be


You also hae a different problem from it eating everything. A good percent of the time copperbands wont eat anything and starve to death. They are a true iffy fish to have, they might or might not eat aptasia, they might or might not eat your corals, they might just plain not eat at all. That and like most butterflies, they are not very tough and require good water conditions.