Copper banded butterfly not eating


New Member
I received the copper banded butterfly special on Thursday and have been feeding Mysis but he won't eat. He swims out front all day but as soon as I feed he hides in the back. I make sure I feed alot so it is floating around the tank. That way some will get by him but he just won't eat it. I have a lot of mushrooms, star polyp, pagoda cup, elephant ear, blue ridge, but he hasn't touched those. I see him picking at the rock but I'm not sure that will sustain him. Any ideas?


New Member
O.K. never mind, I've been reading alot of other streams and will go to the grocers to get some mussels or clams.


Active Member
you might find he wont eat the mussels / clams either because he is stressed. go to a LFS and get some brine shrimp. this shrimp is nutritionally worhtless, but gets em to start eating. then start mixing in some mysis and ween off the brine.


Active Member
LIVE brine shrimp in specific. Good plan with the mussels and clams. Try enough things and you're very likely to get him eating.


New Member
I bought 1 last week and I'm having the same problem. I have noticed the aiptisia in my tank is gone. It took him a few days to become familar w/the tank, but he swims all around like he owns the tank now.