copper banded butterfly


New Member
Does anyone have any experience with these fish? I am thinking about getting one for my first fish in my tank. I can imagine that they are fairly delicate but I have perfect levels right now and about 15 lbs of lr in my 30 gallon. I am planning on only getting 3 fish total. Thanks!!


Hi. I'm actually on my 2nd copperband. Please keep in mind, these fish are very friendly but it is VERY difficult to feed them. The first one, was in the pet store only 2 days(supposidely). Brought him home and he never ate. we gave him brine shrimp, mysis, flakes, he ate nothing. turns out when we brought him back to the petstore he had flukes. My poor fish. The 2nd copperband we saw him eat in the pet store, he did eat only brine shimp. We've had him alost 6months and really has not gotten much bigger. He ONLY eats mysis and brine shimp. NOTHING ELSE. So I have to wash his food with tapwater before I put it in the fish tank, otherwise my ammonia and nitrate levels go through the roof. We have to baby him when we feed him because he takes so long to eat. He is now trained to come to the top of the tank, move back and forth twice and then he gets his food. He is a very very sweet fish!!!! Despite our troubles of feeding him, I'm very glad we have him. Good luck!!!!


New Member
MY LFS had 3 and none of them ate so I didnt buy them. I really want one but dont want to buy it if its not eating in the store.