copper banded butterfly


What usually ends up being the cause of their demise? I went to a LFS the other day, and they had a HUGE one. I mean fat and as big as any ive ever seen. I was curious because I know they have eating issues. So I asked them to feed the butterfly and what a pig he was! First they gave him shrimp that he DEVOURED, and then they were like watch this and put flakes in with him. He shoved the tomato clown out of the way and enjoyed all of the flakes that were put in the tank. I was curious as to when he was fed last and she said morning
. If I didnt already have a full tank he would have been mine. 25 bucks too not a bad price at all!


NOt so many years ago, all butterfly fish were considered extremely risky with the pennant butterfly being about the only one you could safely keep in a tank.
Copperbands need a very large tank. They generally feed off live rock and prefer live food. They are also stressed easily by larger or any slightly aggressive fish which will cause them not to eat.
Hard to believe a fat healthy (I have never seen one!) in a dealers tank eating this way and for only $25! They should keep it, and keep feeding it, so it survives. Obviously it is happy where it is.