Copper meds / used tanks?


Active Member
First off, I'm kinda confused as to how you have your tanks set up? Are they all on the same filter? If so, I'd never plumb the one that has been treated with copper back with the others. Some will say that you will be fine with copper and inverts. They are wrong. Copper stays in a system. It's a heavy metal, it doesn't just vanish after the treatment. You could break down the treated tank, scrub it good, and roll the dice.... I wouldn't.
Copper can also make your fish act weird (may be why one jumped out). Ask any diver who cleans a shark tank at an aquarium. They suspend dives during copper treatments for a reason...


Hi 1journeyman
The tank thats being treated is not connected any more. It was at the start of the chain, so I seperated it before treating it. All inverts and LR were moved to other tanks also. I will switch treated tank (when done treating) with a new 55.
To explain: All water is pumped from one tank, and then siphones from one to another, until returning back to the original. It goes in 2 directions, so just incase I loose the siphon somewhere, it wont pump the water out on the floor by overflowing the other tanks. It would just lower the level in the pumping tank below the pump.
Any thoughts on the LR tank with 0's for readings? (not connected to the system). Yet....


And there are 3 skimmers, 4 powerheads, and 3 bio-wheels all running in the chain (various tanks).


Off to ***** I go......
Lost 2 Percula last night & Koran looks like #^%$@&@&&%#%
I need to keep the copper at .15ppm., so I think a test kit for copper would be a good idea at this time.


If anyone is interested:
When treating a tank with copper and CC/gravel still in the tank, you MUST have a test kit. The substrate will absorbe more of the suspended copper than you think.
I followed the directions, which should have put my tank at 0.15ppm. (Added the copper aprox 20 hours ago). Tested it and found it to only be at 0.05ppm today.


Up date:
I still don't know if a skimmer removes copper.
Aprox 50 gal water / directions = 1 drop per gal, Added 50
At 20 hours copper at 0.05
Trates & Trites = no change
60% copper no longer suspended.:thinking:
Added an additional 20 drops to get up to 0.15ppg.