Copper Pipping


New Member
Hi my friends.Can someone please tell me what I should do about my water. I've not yet tested it but before I get started on a reef tank. From what I here, copper is not a good thing for a reef tank. All I know so far is I have copper plumbing. What should I do and what kind of water filter do you guys/girls think can help me before I get started. THANKS


Active Member
So let me assume some things, you have copper plumbing in your house and you want to use your house water for your tank. As a minimum you would need and RO unit, preferably an RO/DI water unit. You would also need to keep up on changing the filters and the membranes. Yes you are correct that copper is not good for a reef tank and with the copper plumbing you may get some copper leaching out into your water. Like I said, may. Even though these amounts would be minimal, given enough time it could build up in your tank. But the RO/DI should remove these, and other impurities also.


More than likely you will need RO/DI.
If you're considering using City tap water, make sure to get it completely tested. Not all tap water is Bad, It just depends on where you live.
Fact: I have been using Green Bay ,Wisconsin's Tap water for a long time and my reef is thriving.
Good luck and keep asking Question


Active Member
if you want an alternative to buying an ro/di unit, visit your local grocery store and check by the bottled water for a ro/di machine that you can fill your own jugs with...


New Member
Wow thats fast, Thank for the awnsers. I live in puyallup wa south of seattle. I will get my water tested. Will your local pet store have the stuff to test your water. The water companys not to good about telling you whats in the water LOL


Active Member
i am sure it should be a law that you NEED to know what is in your water!!!
at least, it better be a law!!
however, what it picks up in the piping coming to your house and out of the faucet, is different..


im not a plumber and by no means any sort of expert but here is my 2 cents
Get and RO unit change the filters as needed and dont worry about the copper plumbing
i would how ever get a copper test to test the ro water before putting it in the tank.
this came up in another thread months ago (i'll try to find it) and got me instantly worried about mine.
but when you think about it the water in the grocery store and at you LFS is going though the same pipes that you have the LFS is probably a fairly old building and im sure the pipes did not get changed due to it becoming a fish store.
the problem with LFS and grocery store water is you can not controll how often they change their filters
at home you are in charge of that change. id guess 90 percent of houses have copper pipes, id do not know ive ever seen one without. again just my 2 cents here


Active Member
R/O removes everything from the water, depending on the stages you get, (4), as to the exact % of the impurities.


Originally Posted by cain420
i am sure it should be a law that you NEED to know what is in your water!!!
at least, it better be a law!!
however, what it picks up in the piping coming to your house and out of the faucet, is different..
Probably but not going to happen. When I was still in college we were doing H2O testing for one of our chem labs. While most of us tested local ponds, streams, and such, someone did test the local tap H2O. Needless to say we didn't like what we found and they actually called the city about it. The college was immediately served with a notice that they were to no longer perform or allow any testing of tap H2O and were to destroy those results or face legal action.
That's makes you feel safe doesn't it :notsure:
Back on target I've finally decided to upgrade to a RO/DI unit. We currently have a RO unit that we have used for several (8 - 10) years for drinking H2O. Doesn't put out near enought for the tanks though and I want a little more security. Looked at the Coralife but think I'm going to go ahead a bite the big one with a Kent Hi-S model. About a $100 or so more, but I think I'll be better satisfied with it.


Active Member
yea im gonna upgrade to a real unit once i get a house!
but in the case of them trying to threaten you with legal action, i wouldve had that letter publicized in your local paper, as well as across the country!
they cant take legal action against people giving results of water testing, as it is our rights as americans to know what we consume.
why do u think they have to print the ingredients on food?? FEDERAL LAW!
I guarantee if there were ever a case filed, it would be thrown out, or they would drop it themselves due to all the publicity it would create!!!!!
by them starting legal action, it would blow it across the country!
sorry to sort of high jack your thread samonslaer.. but this info is too good!


New Member
Thanks for the replys[ helpful]. Did'nt mean to start a bashing about the water. Iam sorry if I offended any one that works for the city water. This site is GREAT alot of helpful people..By the way I took my water to a local pet store and they tested it for copper and :cheer:
no trac of copper. The guy there was great. So I was so pumped I went home and filled the tank. SO here we go. I know take my time. I got the tank from a old friend $250.00. 55 gal not as big as I would like but ok to start. Nice solid oak stand & hood w/cabnet. No lights yet but soon, came with filter and extra power head. Well thats it in a nut shell. Talk to you all soon


Active Member
Originally Posted by samonslaer
Wow thats fast, Thank for the awnsers. I live in puyallup wa south of seattle. I will get my water tested. Will your local pet store have the stuff to test your water. The water companys not to good about telling you whats in the water LOL
I'm not sure if it is Federal Law or State Law, but here in Iowa all you have to do to get a copy of the water quality parameters is call the local water department or look in your local newspaper publication as annually, the parameters have to be tested and results provided to the public - free of charge.
Call the water company and see if they can fax a full report for you.
Denise M.


Yeah, I should have included additional info to my other post. That event actually happened about 14 or 15 years ago. Within the last 5 or 6 years residents have been receiving H2O quality reports mailed to them annually.
Didn't mean to be misleading, that was just the first thing that came to mind as I read through the thread.