

New Member
I just bought a used 46 gallon Bowfront. It was a freshwater tank, and copper was added about a year ago. Will this pose a problem? I read that the copper never comes out. Does anyone know if this is true. I would like to set this up as a reef tank. Thanks.

nm reef

Active Member
I have heard that previous use of copper can contribute to future problems. I've also heard that there are ways to reduce the risk...but specifics escape me. I'd say broomer or gator could address this issue better than even though I couldn't help this will move your question back up where folks with knowledge/experience may be able to help you out.

“In the 60’s folks took acid to make the world that the world is weird they take prozac to make it normal!”


Active Member
Theres a product called Cuprisorb that is suppose to remove copper. Might wanna give that a try.