Copperband and powder brown?


I have a powder brown tang in my 72 bow and i bought a copperband butterfly, and since i put the butterfly in the tang is being very agressive towards it, biting fins and what not. is this abnormal?


Originally Posted by FIshman72B
I have a powder brown tang in my 72 bow and i bought a copperband butterfly, and since i put the butterfly in the tang is being very agressive towards it, biting fins and what not. is this abnormal?
Tangs can be very aggressive with new tank mates.He should settle down after a while.


ok cool. becuase when i first put the copperband in after acclimation, the PBT was nipping at it and everything, now he has layd off a little bit. but i was wondering if this was due to a compatability issue, which i dont believe it is. Now getting the CB to eat is my next goal.