Copperband Buttefly Feeding


Active Member
:notsure: I introduced a Copperband butterfly to a 92 corner about three weeks ago to eraticate a fairly bad aptasia problem. Mission accomplished and I can not even find a micro apt. but I am a little worried about continued food for him. I have about 120+ lbs of mature rock. I have alot of coral and feed them Cyclopeese 3 Xs a week with DTs and Oyster eggs. Then pyto from the ocean about once a month. I am worried that the CBB might starve. Any ideas of what else to try to get him to eat? I feed the fish mysis, flake, squid, krill, but he never even looks at it? Any thoughts?


Active Member
Watch out, I've been reading up to include in MY 92 corner next year, and I've read they can turn on zoos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
Watch out, I've been reading up to include in MY 92 corner next year, and I've read they can turn on zoos.
I will keep an eye on it but I have a bunch so I probably wouldn't notice?


Active Member
Butterfly fish like to pick at things. To get them to start eating, try black worms, put in rock crevices or a clam on the half shells. Also brine shrimp fortied with sera can stop a hunger strike.
(this is info I scoffed of another board I dont know if it will work but it may help)


Active Member
Getting new fish to eat is 95% of the work. They like to pick at LR so you may have to mimic their behavior with frozen food.


My Copper-Band will eat a variety of frozen foods. He also will pick on the rock all night long, but it took mine a few weeks before he was an aggresive eater. They are pickie for sure.