Copperband Butterfly in Reefs?


I am looking for some first-hand experience with putting copperband butterflies in reefs. Apparantly, from everything I have been able to find, it is a bit of a crap-shoot with them...some do fine, others nip at corals or won't eat. Just wondering how many of you have tried, and what your experiences have been? Thanks.


No personal exp. but if you do get one, make sure you look at its behavior. Ask to see it be fed and ask exactly what they feed. Watch if it is near corals and see if it nips at them, then choose your fish


Active Member
I actually used to have a copperband in my tank. From my experience, they've been picky eaters. Mine only ate brine and blood worms, as well as copepods. They do best in a mature aquarium, with plenty of food. They're also extremely susceptible to many diseases, including bacterial infections. Mine never paid any attention to the corals, although it did like to eat feather dusters. In my opinion, it's a hit and miss.


Active Member

Originally posted by CheerFlip1
did it actually eat the whole duster, or just pick on it?

He would have a fun time nipping at the crown of the duster and eating anything that fell off. He would stick his long mouth in their in attempt to get a bite out of the worm. He did end up taking out a large chunk of the worm, large enough to actually kill it.
Take Care,