Copperband Butterfly


I'm glad you all like our rock work. :) Thanks!
I like the size and shape of your rocks, mwaraxa. Do you think you might clump all the same colors of your rock together? Try that and send another picture. It seems a little "busy" with your colors spread all over the tank.


Active Member
Hiya Dory!! Im glad to hear hes leaving everything alone!! congrats!!! send us some new pics!!! todd.... by the way i got a sally light foot, another orange linkia and another torch coral today!!!! todd


Active Member
Well - I bought a CopperBand last weekend - leaving corals alone - but plucked all the lil white feather dusters - thats ok - I want him to eat..... but my Yellow Tang keeps him in the corner a bit.... hope they get along... the domino damsels are going though - bullies...


Well, I think my copperband has died.
I came home from work this afternoon and he was in the back of the tank, at the bottom, breathing heavily. He's disappeared now and I can't find him. Do fish sometimes go into the live rock to die? If he's dead in there, what will that do to my levels?!


Active Member
OH NO!. did you test your water levels to see if anything was out of whack that might have caused his death?


Everything is fine as far as levels go. I sent the same picture to my lfs and they said it looked as if he was too thin. I don't think I fed him enough. I did find him, though. He's stuck to my powerhead and is still breathing. Yikes! What do I do?



Originally posted by Dory36
As for corals I have bubble, xenia, hammer heads, star polyps, candy cane, alvepora, and various mushrooms. I've only had the Copperband for less than 24 hours, but he's left my corals alone except to eat some aiptasia growing on my candy canes. He seems mostly interested in picking at the live rock. As for other inhabitants, I have 7 chromis, 1 maroon clown, a neon gobie, a royal gramma, a cleaner shrimp, and various snails/crabs. No one seemed upset when I put him (the cb) in the tank. My gramma didn't even give his usual growl. He (my rg) threw a big hissy fit when I introduced my chromis. Thanks, Todd. I trust my lfs 100% and know they wouldn't sell me sick fish. :D

how did the gramma "throw a big hissy fit" and what do you mean be "growl"


Active Member

Originally posted by Dory36
I don't have one. He's dead anyway.

I saw that one coming, CBBs are extremely hard to keep alive, they almost always come covered in parasites and are hard to get to eat.


I was feeding him mysis shrimp. I never ever really saw him eat. I just assumed he was eating. My mistake. He mostly just picked at our live rock. He ate all our aiptasia and feather dusters. The guy at a different lfs than we bought this fish from showed us a book tonight and it said that these type of fish are almost impossible to keep in the home aquarium. Gee...I wish I had known that sooner.
I'm pretty sure we starved him to death.
Anyway, I had my water tested tonight and my ph was 8.2, trites 0, trates 20ppm, and ammonia 0. My salinity was a little low because the lfs that sold us this fish accidentally sold us ro/di water instead of salt, and I put 10 gallons of that in when I did my last water change. Yikes! :eek: My husband bought a yellow tang and a sand sifting goby tonight, so hopefully we'll have better luck with them. I'll post pictures once my lights go on in the morning.
jesatfis---royal grammas open their mouths REALLY wide and it looks like they're growling when their territory is being invaded!


so sorry to hear about ur loss. coper bands are way sick tho. Btw, i have a gramma...and it does that same growl thing, WAY trippy.