Copperband Butterfly


Active Member
I would say yes .. but it depends on how many fish you have in there and what size they are and everything .. what's the rest of the stocklist?
but on a side note .. here's mine in my 65 that's been in there for about 2 months no problems (but that is short-term) .. and he's going into my 90 gallon this friday ..


Active Member
i had one since july of this year and he just died about 2 weeks ago, my water parameters are fine, i have heard they are hard to take care of, which in the future, i will get another one, hopefully i will have better luck,,i think my red sailfin had alot to do with him dying, i may have to get red of my red sailfin, but its going to be really hard , i really like him, has awesome colors, have a great day..


Active Member
I would never put one in less than a 55... And that's if you put a gun to my head.
I would like one for my 72 but I don't see it happening. Ever.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
All butterfly fish are difficult to keep.
Not really accurate. There are several that do quite well. Unfortunately the Copperband is one of the more fragile species and many do not survive long term.


Active Member
Ive had mine in a 55 reef with softies for almost 5 months. Eats like a pig, sometimes he gets nippy with the green chromis, but other than that hes been ok. I had a problem a month ago with it picking at my scolymia, but he stopped. Go figure.


Active Member
The tank size is ok. Copperbands do not ship well. They also are very sensitive to cyanide which is how 99% at the stores are caught. Very often the "healthy' ones die in less than a year for no apparent reason. When I worked at a distributor 50% or less D.O.A., and 25% of the remaining dying within 48 hours on incoming shipments was considered good.
If you can find one from Hawaii or Australia you have a much better chance. If you have a lot of Aiptasia in your tank they will do much better also. The fact that a fish will eat something you put in the tank doesn't necessarily mean it will thrive. Almost all fish love brine shrimp but generally will starve if that's all they will eat.