Copperband Butterfly


Yes, but the questions is. what do you have in the tank beforehand. They can be very sensitive to harassment & also require a mature tank.


Right, the 55 gal. is okay depending on whether the Copperband feels crowded. Good water quality and room to move around and you're golden. Try offering it some mysis, if you can get it eating that your worries are mostly over.


Active Member
As far as fish, I would get it instead of a flame angel, and would be with a pajama cardinal, 2 ocellaris clowns, midas blenny, 3 chromis, and a royal gramma.


The CBB is my favorite fish, but they are hard keepers. The 55 will be fine, but you have to get the fish to eat. While you're at the fish store, ask them to feed it and see if it'll eat. This is what I did when I bought my CBB, they were feeding them blood worms, which it gobbled down and I was able to continue feeding at home.


Active Member
the 55 might be ok for a while but do you realize how large CBBFs get? i think they need at least 90 gals to feel comfortable. they are a sensitive fish, and not for beginners. i have no idea of your skill level, just saying. also, if you have anything that is equally large or aggressive, i would suggest against it.