Copperband butterfly??


Im setting up my 120 in the next few months and getting some ideas on fish stock. I really like the copperband butterfly and have read that its reef safe, eating aptsia (spelling?) I read it on GARF and hear from many people that they are. What do you think? I just want to be sure, and I know that each fish is different...I just really like them. O, if you know of a really pretty reef fish, let me know.
The Copperband is not a good fish for a new tank. They don't do well in new tank systems. I read this numerous places but I'm also speaking from experience.


Agreed. They have to be in a well established fish tank, and is not a beginner fish. It is a 50/50 chance if they are reef safe. I had one that was, but others destroy reefs.


Ok..sounds good...and when I get a tang or something like that it wont be for a year or so, until I feel my tank is ready. How about a red sailfin tang or orange shoulder tang? I love those both!
Originally Posted by jden092901
Ok..sounds good...and when I get a tang or something like that it wont be for a year or so, until I feel my tank is ready. How about a red sailfin tang or orange shoulder tang? I love those both!
PLEASE (for your own benefit) quarantine a tang if you get one. Throwing one right into your display tank usually ends up causing COMPLETE havoc. Tangs are awesome fish to have, just make sure you go about adding them the proper way to prevent further headaches down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
PLEASE (for your own benefit) quarantine a tang if you get one. Throwing one right into your display tank usually ends up causing COMPLETE havoc. Tangs are awesome fish to have, just make sure you go about adding them the proper way to prevent further headaches down the road.
Why just tangs? Every fish should do his time in QT.
just look through the numerous threads a titled "help fish dying" or "help I have ich" or "whats this on my tang" and you will see they have alot in common they didnt qt their fish. Classic beginners mistake we all want to look at our fish when we spend good money on them who wants to wait a month? I get it. I have done it before too.


I've had mine in my 120 for about 3 years. Just make sure they are eating before you buy. I would consider them reef safe with the exception of clams and any kind of tube worms

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
I've had mine in my 120 for about 3 years. Just make sure they are eating before you buy. I would consider them reef safe with the exception of clams and any kind of tube worms
what are the other fish in your tank I am willing to bet you had a nice well thought out peacfull system
DEF wait for the copperband. i made a mistake by having a copperband right after my cycle was done. BAD IDEA. i feel horrible for that. my tank is much older now and i have a big healthy copper band who eats like a champ! ive had him for along time now :)


What's amazing about These butterflies is once the are in a established tank and doing well it is hard to kill them. I had a major tank meltdown over the summer. I went away for 3 days and whem I came back everything was dead except my butterfly, maroon clown, and tomini tang. I lost about $2500 worth of fish and coral. The power went out and and once ---- started dying it was a downward domino effect that I wasn't there to stop. I thought for sure the copperbanded would have been the first to go, but there were much hardier fish that did not make it. HE's a tough SOB, and now I know he isn't going to die
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
What's amazing about These butterflies is once the are in a established tank and doing well it is hard to kill them. I had a major tank meltdown over the summer. I went away for 3 days and whem I came back everything was dead except my butterfly, maroon clown, and tomini tang. I lost about $2500 worth of fish and coral. The power went out and and once ---- started dying it was a downward domino effect that I wasn't there to stop. I thought for sure the copperbanded would have been the first to go, but there were much hardier fish that did not make it. HE's a tough SOB, and now I know he isn't going to die
Most importsnt word in your entire post, ESTABLISHED.