Copperband butterfly?



I have had a tought about getting one. My tank has been going for 1yr 7months. I would like some input about this fish other then what I have read. I was woundering what yall feed your butterfly, if there really hard to keep and any tips you could give me would be great befor I get one. All perameters are good no nitrate or ammonia ph stays around 7.8 to 8.0


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/386402/copperband-butterfly#post_3393706
I have had a tought about getting one. My tank has been going for 1yr 7months. I would like some input about this fish other then what I have read. I was woundering what yall feed your butterfly, if there really hard to keep and any tips you could give me would be great befor I get one. All perameters are good no nitrate or ammonia ph stays around 7.8 to 8.0
How big is your tank? I had a clip with plastic mesh so the butterfly could nip at algae sheets through the day.
You want your PH at mid day to lights out around 8.3 to 8.4 (early morning PH tests read lowest)
It's a nice fish, and some say they had troubles with them eating, but I never did. They might nip coral so keep an eye on it to make sure yours does not. I have had two...if it eats aptasia, it will nip coral...If it won't touch the aptasia, most likely it won't bother coral either (my personal experience)
If you get the fish for it's beauty great...but if you want an aptasia eater, get peppermint shrimp.


Definitely don't purchase it if you're just looking for it to be an aiptasia eater.
I never had trouble getting mine to eat either, and it doesn't nip at any of my corals. It will eat mysis out of my corals mouths when I try to feed, and pick out a piece of food that is wedged in between to rocks, or in between to zoanthids, but it has never nipped at a coral.
I think the trick with these guys offering them a large variety of foods.


I have a 55 but I will be getting a bigger tank soon. I don't have any problem with aiptasia(knock on wood). I just really enjoy the fish. I can check my ph anytime of the day and it stays around 8.0, I can add PH+ brightwell aquatics and it still stays around 8.0


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/386402/copperband-butterfly#post_3393902
I have a 55 but I will be getting a bigger tank soon. I don't have any problem with aiptasia(knock on wood). I just really enjoy the fish. I can check my ph anytime of the day and it stays around 8.0, I can add PH+ brightwell aquatics and it still stays around 8.0
8.0 isn't all that bad...what are the other levels?
Alk or KH
Temp and SG


8.0 is fine as long as it stays stable. My 14g is forever at 7.9, no matter what I do, but corals grow just fine in it. As long as there is not a huge fluctuation/it stays consistent, and it's in the "safe" zone (7.8-8.4), don't stress over it.


Alk 214.8 ppm (always having to add buffer everyweek)
Nitrates 0
Not sure on phosphates (I know I need a test kit)
Calcium 420 (stays around that range)
SG 1.022
Temp 78
PH 7.8 to 8.0 (It really stays around 7.8)
API test kits


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tailgate1979 http:///forum/thread/386402/copperband-butterfly#post_3394001
Alk 214.8 ppm (always having to add buffer everyweek)
Nitrates 0
Not sure on phosphates (I know I need a test kit)
Calcium 420 (stays around that range)
SG 1.022
Temp 78
PH 7.8 to 8.0 (It really stays around 7.8)
API test kits
Well...I just got rid of my API test kits, they said my nitrates were off the roof high. Alk should be 4 to 6 ...KH which is API test should be 7 to 12 I'm not familiar with the number you have for alk.
What time of the day do you test your PH?
At any rate you can get the butterfly fish.


Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/386402/copperband-butterfly#post_3394019
Well...I just got rid of my API test kits, they said my nitrates were off the roof high. Alk should be 4 to 6 ...KH which is API test should be 7 to 12 I'm not familiar with the number you have for alk.
What time of the day do you test your PH?
At any rate you can get the butterfly fish.
I was thinking the same thing when I saw that reading for Alk. KH, which is what API tests for doesn't read like that at all Tailgate, are you sure you're reading it properly?
So wait, you stated earlier that your pH was 8.0, now you're saying it's 7.8. What times of day are you testing? Test three times throughout the day if you can (might have to wait til the weekend) and see what your readings are over a few days morning, noon and night (before lights come on, once they've been on for about half their cycle, and once right after they go out).
Personally, I think the Brightwell's line is TERRIBLE, and I actually threw out a whole bunch of their stuff. I found their buffer to do NOTHING, even when I tried just buffering RODI to see what it would do. Their salt mixes are inconsistent from batch to batch and many people who have tried it are 1) not happy with it and 2) complained of low numbers, and one of the most common numbers to be low was alkalinity. I really, really, really recommend switching your salts. I know that you're using it because your LFS is using it, but they're using it because it's cheap for them, TRUST ME. I have an LFS that uses it because to buy in bulk is cheap, the owner flat out admitted to me that if he leaves his SPS in his tanks for too long while using this salt, they whither away. Personally, I saw better results with Instant Ocean and some SeaChem buffer or Bionic buffer than I did with Brightwell's salt.


My api test kit for Alk is about 9 to 10. I do you instant ocean salts. I will test my PH today when I get home from work and see what it says.