Copperband Butterfly..



What else can I feed my Copperband Butterfly? I have been basically just feeding him frozen Brineshrimp. What else do they like? He looks super healthy. i always see him picking off the sand and live rock. Thanks!


A really good food for them is to go to your local seafood store and buy fw mollusks, open them and place them on the substrate. The CBB will eat them like candy.


YOu should feed a variety of foods. MY Copperband eats formula 1 flakes, formula 2 flakes, seaweed selects brown-green-red, a variety of fresh seafood as well as selcon enriched brine and mysis shrimp


New Member
I just picked up a copperband on saturday. He's a small guy, probably 3". The LFS here in the Chicago area (expensive but seems very reputable and to have healthy stock) said they'd had him for about 2 weeks and he'd been eating flake and frozen food. Since he's been in my tank (125, 70#LS, 70#LR) he's been constantly picking at the LR and the three large feather dusters. I assume I'll loose the feather dusters but am wondering how I can ensure he's eating. When the other fish are fed they swarm at the food...and are pretty greedy eaters. The CBB merely looks curiously at the "stuff floating past." I feed Formula One, J. Sprung Mixed Seaweed, Mysis Shrimp, and Omega One Flake Food. Any suggestions on enticing this guy to eat, or should I consider returning him if he doesn't start eating by the weekend. Any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated. I'm a little disappointed that he's totally obsessed with the feather dusters, that is a mistake I'll not repeat again.


I had one for a while, had to return him since he was picking on my polyps. The first day I had him every tube worm was gone so I am going to say that your feather duster is deffinitly gone. Try soaking your food in garlic. It is suppose to be an eating stimulant. It worked for me, When I sold him he was fat and always ready to eat.