Copperband Butterfly


New Member
I have a 110 Reef Tank and I want to put in some copperband butterflies and was wondering how many of them I could put in, if they would swim in a school?:confused:


I wouldn't try more than one unless you got a male/female pair. Also Copper Banded butterflies aren't the most hearty of fish. Most slowly starve to death in the aquarium...if you want more than one you could go with the raccoon butterfly. They may chase each other around a bit, but they usually don't harm each other. They're also a lot more hearty.
Or even better, you could get a small school of corallicola butterflies (they get much smaller and are one of the few butterflies that nearly always adapt well to aquarium life) they only get about 6" long, so you could have several of them. :D :D


Whoops, also most butterflies aren't quite reef safe. A lot of them eat fan worms. The Corallicola is very close to reef safe, they really only eat leather polyps and some softies. (as compared to most butterflies which eat mainly corals, sponges and worms)


Active Member
this is ot but, the word hearty, means full of heart, a good warm feeling(you get the idea). When speaking about the likeliness to survive, durability, the word is hardy. Just think, hardy- hard to kill, better to adapt. :)


Active Member
I 've had trouble keeping one CB alive more than 6 months, never mind more than 1. Not many butterflies which are reef space. They all have tendency to pick . It's a matter of hit or miss if you get one that doesn't. Good luck.