copperband butterflyfish and long nosed butterflyfish


what i want to know is how big can they grow?
have 55g for start up......
i would like to add long nosed buterfly fish , copperband butterfly fish, clown fish , yellow faced angelfish,Occeanic seahorse............what you think?



Originally posted by Kip4130
i think you have made some poor choices in some very difficult fishes unless you have a good deal of experience.

right i dont have experience . but iam going to buy many handbook and read.... iam going to start my first 55g for now but i have to learn very fast....... i going to have many many tank very soon it's not a option for me. i need help! much as i can recive. you seem like know alot about fish can you tell me?
book dosen say it all you know what iam saying?



Originally posted by Kip4130
gimme a little background here... why are you gonna have "many, many tank very soon?"

iam thinking of opening my own store maybe next year or two



Originally posted by Kip4130
is this 55g your first tank?

no i have 10g 30g 55g but all of them are frash water tank
i sold the 9"Os+7"Os so i can start saltwater reef tank
i read alot of thread and also i print them out.



Originally posted by oceanminded
are you chinese?

ha ha ha ha ha
No iam not chinese
iam korean
iam 31 mother of 4 (childern)and my husben.
iam home with my childern and iam getting sick of staying home
MY house is turning to zoo i have bird,hamster,cat,ginapig....... i want to do something with my life well as good to my childern
iam happy with my life and my family but i want to give them some thing more and i love fish so my plan is going that way.


Active Member
butterflies, even with lots of research should be left alone. they require more experience than research and knowledge. they also require mature, stable tanks and have specialized feeding habits. and unfortunately i dont think any of them belong in a 55 gallon tank. and if you want an angel in a 55 it should only be a dwarf angel.
sorry, HTH



Originally posted by beautful
what i want to know is how big can they grow?
have 55g for start up......
i would like to add long nosed buterfly fish , copperband butterfly fish, clown fish , yellow faced angelfish,Occeanic seahorse............what you think?

actually LN butterflies are realatively hardy fish, readily eat prepared foods, and adapt to aquarium life well. they grow to about 7" and shouldn't be housed with similair looking butterflies, i.e. copperbanded. Make sure the fish is eating in the LFS and that its a LN butterfly and not the Big LN butterfly. The Big LN has a much smaller mouth which makes feeding difficult.
i 55gal actually would be OK for majority of this fishes life but a 75gal would be better.
dont get the yellow faced angel, copperbanded BF, or seahorse.