Copperband Not Doing Good


My copperband looks like he is getting skinny...but he eats every night when I feed! I started feeding brine, but heard that it wasn’t so good so now I have been feeding mysis. I have tried formula one (flake and frozen) and cyclopeez but he won't touch either one. Does anybody know of anything else they will eat? Algae strips maybe? He is not acting right...normally he is right at the front of the glass at all times. He has to be the center of attention.
My water parameters are (tested last night)
Ammonia - .25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Ph - 8.0
Please Help!!! :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by squirrel
My copperband looks like he is getting skinny...but he eats every night when I feed! I started feeding brine, but heard that it wasn’t so good so now I have been feeding mysis. I have tried formula one (flake and frozen) and cyclopeez but he won't touch either one. Does anybody know of anything else they will eat? Algae strips maybe? He is not acting right...normally he is right at the front of the glass at all times. He has to be the center of attention.
My water parameters are (tested last night)
Ammonia - .25
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
Ph - 8.0
Please Help!!! :help:
The require VERY good water. No ammonia and your Ph is off. They are also meat eaters.


New Member
Do A 20-25% Water Change At Once..... I Do A 10-12 Gal. Water Change On My 55 Gal. Every 12-14 Days....they Need Extremely Clean Water.....also, Start Putting Garlic Drops Into His Food

It Will Attract Him To Eat And Also Build Up His Immune System.....brine Shrimp Is Like Giving A Kid Cotton Candy.......good Luck..........


Active Member
CBBF are not easy fish to keep and do need nearly perfect conditions and lots of healthy live rock to feed from. Out in front of the glass all the time is not normal behavior for this fish. It should be allways faceing and searching LR for tiny worms and critters to feed on. Mysis is about the only food it will take from hobbies unless you try Blood worms but mine never does.


well he does seach the rocks all the time too, but always at the front when I am around to look at him...