

New Member
I want to get a copperband but i want to know what things you guys feed yours? I have heard that there very hard to feed. Also what kinda corals would it pic at? What is the smallest tank they can be keep in? I really want one. My tank has been set up for a year or so.


Active Member
Mine was started off at the LFS with small clams and some brine..He now eats a variety of that, and picks in the rocks constantly..Just see what it is fed in the store..Watch it eat there though before you bring it home..If you are ordering sight unseen, you should notice that the small ones come with warnings about warranty


Active Member
worms of any sort are a great way to entice them to start eating. I found blood worms, freeze dried and cubes get them going in a comfortable atmosphere, and they should slowly start adapting to more food from there.


actually copperbands will eat anything
but they have a very hard time competing for food
I would not keep them with agressive such as tangs or the rabbitfishes
my fox face is a very very agressive feeder


Active Member
I wouldn't put one in anything less than a 75 gallon tank .. I have mine in my 90 gallon with only SPS corals, 2 urchins, and other fish .. but I'm not justifying keeping a butterfly with an urchin .. I got lucky that mine doesn't pick at them


I had 2 copperbends(one at the time), and they both ate mysis & brine shrimp. The only suggestion I would make is to add some vitamins(Kent Zoe Marine) with mysis shrimp, because it diesn't have anything beneficial for fish. I think my 1st copperband died, because of it. I am adding vitamins now and so far so good.
As for picking at corals, I don't know because I don't have any. He did kill all of my futher dusters, and Sea slugs.


Active Member
actually mysid are quite beneficial , but krill and some others dont have much nutritional value.
if you are going to keep an CBBF, kiss your feather dusters and coco worms good bye, as i said before worms are a narutal part of their diet


Active Member
yeah I used to have feather dusters .. those were the days .. haha .. but over all I think it's worth it .. and besides .. I have too many feather dusters in my 210 anyway .. my butterfly is in my 90


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
actually kiss your feather dusters good bye
Ditto - These were the first items mine worked on. It took to Mysis shrimp pretty quickly. However, I hear that can be a hit or miss on eating right away. I was just lucky I guess, other than the Feather Dusters -LOL


New Member
i also only have a 55 and i don't want to stress it out too much. can they be keeped with like lionfish and a blue throat trigger?


Active Member
Originally Posted by manncoler
i also only have a 55 and i don't want to stress it out too much. can they be keeped with like lionfish and a blue throat trigger?
These are sensitive fish and many don't do well long term. I wouldn't place one in a 55, particularly with the fish you already have.


Active Member
Sorry, one of us should have asked that question earlier, I'd skip it then. I have seen 80 gal as the minimum.


New Member
no i am getting a 75 or a 150 that is what i want to keep in it, some day soon but i was just wantering if they could be keeped with thoes other fish i was just courius.


Active Member
i will be putting one in my 150 soon :)
the only other somewhat reef safe BF, is the Heniochus or Banner fish