Copperbanded Butterfly Advice


I was wondering if anyone has experience with Copperbanded Butterflies. For example their eating habits, hardiness of water conditions, tankmates, etc. Any advice would be great, thanks. :D


Active Member
I have never kept one but from what I have heard and read they are very difficult to keep in general. Have you bought one? Try feeding mysis shrimp or live brine to get him started. What else is he in with?


I tryed one along time back, did not last very long, my problem was he was in a tank with a couple of pigs for eatters. They have a very small mouth and are slow eatters. I think if you have him in a tank with some mellow fish he would stand a better chance of making it. Good Luck


I was planning on adding him with a Flame Angel, Domino Damsel, Firefish, Dragonet, and a Royal Gramma. So far the new additions will be the Flame and the Copperbanded. The others get along fine and they usually swim with each other and don't fight over meals.


I got my Copperbanded yesterday and I haven't seen him eating. I tried basic frozen worms, frozen brine, various flakes and pellets but nothing so far. Any suggestions? :rolleyes:


I had a Copperband butterfly and loved him. Mine was a real pig. But if the flame angel is aggressive then there could be problems. Butterfly fish are usually easy targets to get picked on. Mine ate all the normal frozen foods also. But if you decide to buy one, make sure it's around the 3-4 inch range. TJ


Well I got it from SW*.com so I didn't get to see it eat. And it's 3-4". The Flame left it alone though. Sometimes they swim next to each other and talk, I dunno what they are talking about. Probably about how the food sucks at my joint... hehehe... :D


Did you just buy the butterfly or did you buy something else with it? How much did it cost you total to pick one of those up from here?


i just purchased 2 copperbanded's for my 170gal put them in a few hours ago so i cannot give much feed back but they are beautiful and seem to be ok with the tank, also have not been fighting instead they swam around together then after about an hour they split up and have each gone to different sides of the tank. havent fed yet will try frozen brine shrimp to start.
will keep you posted.


I purchased a Copperband before but it and the flame didn't make it. So it was resent. But total I got like over 6 items, because anything less than that (unless you can't find it at your local or distant fish store) you should just take your time at the store to pick the one of your choice up. The reason is for example, a Copperbanded for $19.99+$29.99s/h=~$50, so you might as well take your car and go buy it for ~$30-$40 and pick out one you like.
Also on another note, I fed it and the Flame some Formula 2 and they are finally picking at those flakes and eating them. ;)


So far the Flame is eating it like crazy, but the Copperband is still slow at eating a bite or two. Any ideas on fresh items it could eat? My LFS told me that they were herbivores in nature and recommended the flakes, but he didn't mention any live veggies. Any ideas?


Active Member
Try O.S.I spirulina flakes. As far as the copperband goes I think in the wild they primarily feed on worms and other small creatures they can pick out of the reef.


I will try those flakes. But so far I don't SEE him eating. Hopefully he is grabbing some algae or getting it from somewhere. He does look much more healthier than before when he was shipped. I am very concerned that he will croak soon. :eek:


I tried frozen black worms but I think I read somewhere 'live' is their thing. I must do that then, since it hasn't been eating for 5 days. Not good since immune probably will go down from lack of nutrients. Thanks Trey. :cool:


On the subject of food, could our SW fish consume Earthworms from our backyard? Any problems with that? Of course, the worm would not be on a hook. (might be a way to catch Damsels, though).