Copperbanded Butterfly?


atl reef

How would a copperbanded butterfly work with a finger leather, mushrooms, or zoas?
I currently have a finger leather, but want to add the other 2 corals as well. I was thinking about adding a sixline wrasse, but the copperband is just a better looking fish. I've heard varying reviews on their interactions with corals.
If anyone has one, your opinions are appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I had one for over a year, my anemone killed it when it got too close one day. It did not bother any coral or aptasia.
Each fish is an individual. Persoanlly, I think if it will eat aptasia it will nip coral. If that piticular fish won't bother the aptasia it won't bother anything else either.
I love the copperband they look great. So if you get one just keep a watch and see if it will be alright with the coral.


Active Member
I have a copperband with a leather, zoos, shrooms, GSP and Kenya tree and it hasn't bothered any of those things. Mine will demolish aptasia QUICKLY but has been great with those corals. So much that I am toying with the idea of trying a clam.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I have a copperband with a leather, zoos, shrooms, GSP and Kenya tree and it hasn't bothered any of those things. Mine will demolish aptasia QUICKLY but has been great with those corals. So much that I am toying with the idea of trying a clam.
Fantastic! When mine didn't eat the aptasia, I thought that was why it didn't bother coral.
Maybe bothering coral is not the norm for these guys. I had a Hippo that ate coral once, so you never know for sure just because they say reef safe or not.

atl reef

You guys are giving me the exact answers I wanted to hear... I really want a Copper as my show fish, and then the basic corals that I mentioned. Obviously I'll have to hope that I get one with a calm demeanor. I do have a cleaner clam in my sand, so I'll have to see if he gets a hold of him... I could always just move the clam to the refug though...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower
Fantastic! When mine didn't eat the aptasia, I thought that was why it didn't bother coral.
Maybe bothering coral is not the norm for these guys. I had a Hippo that ate coral once, so you never know for sure just because they say reef safe or not.
It's funny that you mention a hippo. I got my hippo because it was nipping at zenia in it's prior tank. Now in my tank, I have noticed it picking at the Kenya Tree.
I have had a copperband for about a month and he is doing great. Eating whether aptasia, algea and brine shrimp. He hasn't touched flake food. I have similar corals and he hasn't touched them. I would reccomend getting at least a 3-4 inch fish, no smaller... Good Look they are great!


I had my copperband for about 6 months. It cleaned up aptasia with a quickness. I have a pretty diverse tank with sps, lps, zoas as well as 3 clams. I did not have any problems with it nipping at anything that it was not supposed to. I lost it to my vortech. :(