just to weigh in...
generally speaking, the deal with CBB's is to know where the fish was collected.
fish from the IO and IP tend to feed on appies (IO are the best candidate). the IO/IP specimens are the ones that may starve once the appies are gone.
CBB's from Aussie waters pretty much won't touch appies, HOWEVER, these fish readily accept prepared foods such as frozen mysis and BS, and as such, make better display fish.
the deal with peps is to keep them hungry enuff to eat the appies. they tend to leave them alone if they are well-fed, which is why it's best to have a QT or bucket and place the peps and affected LR into it with an airline.
my fave weapon in the "anti-appie" arsenal is the bristle-tail filefish (Acreichthys tomentosus) they stay small (a 30 gal is fine), and after about a week, you'll notice that the appies are starting to go missing. as for whether they're reef safe, the pair we have hasn't seemed to bother the paly's in the tank, but i dunno about other coral/polyps.