Yes I am aware that Flowerpots Goniopora, do not do well in captivity, however Ive been researching facts about these wonderfully beautiful fragile corals for some time now and Have discovered that They are found in shallow lagoon type boi reef systems where there is an ENORMOUS AMOUNT Of phytoplanktonic matter... of different sizes... So knowing this I have concluded that If you direct feed it some DT's LIVE PHYTOPLANKTON this will give it enough nutrition... also having a good amount of light helps as well!!!

4 watts a gallon I believe I have! VHOS!

So Im going to buy a small green goniopora and put it in a nice gentile current *medium current* and nice lighing... near top... and direct feed it 3 times a week... this should be good!
Ill let you know all in a few years if I still have it LOL!!!
so thats what Im going to try and attempt... some people have goooood luck with them ... esspecially if they have a fuge!!!
so wish me luck! My theory is if they are going to collect them.. mise well try and give them a chance!!!