Cora-Life Skimmer questions...


Hello all,
I am currently setting up my 55g FOWLR system. I am in the very early stages of this and I need a measurement from someone. I don't have my skimmer yet but I would like to place my tank and start mixing seawater. How much clearance will I need from the wall for this skimmer to fit? (BTW, this will be a HOB skimmer...) I plan on using a Coralife Super Skimmer 65


Here is the same exact skimmer it spaced 8.5 inches from the wall. I could bring it in closer, but I don't mind.
Man, have you had any problems with Microbubbles on the Superskimmer 65?
I am having alot of problems with them. I have tried alot of stuff with the diffuser box to no avail. Does your outflow just go right back into the tank with no microbubbles?
Do any of your fish get microbubbles stuck to their scales? My coral beauty occasionaly gets them stuck to his scales and it takes a few days for them to fall off...
I had a thread about the microbubbles sticking to my coral beauty and Beth answered that microbubbles do stick to certain fish. She also said that it may take a few days for these bubbles to fall off completely.
I am fairly confident that it is microbubbles and not Ich as he is clear of the spots until my skimmer begins to produce the microbubbles. At this point he begins to have the spots all over his scales.
Does anyone care to comment on this issue??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
Here is the same exact skimmer it spaced 8.5 inches from the wall. I could bring it in closer, but I don't mind.
were you having any problems with your skimmer? mine wont create any bubbles unless i remove the silencer, the little cylinder


Mine has almost no bubbles. I think they are great skimmers for the price. Once the pump is broke in and it is tweaked, you shouldn't have any micro bubble problems, or at least I haven't. If I was looking to spend more I would have bought a ASM, but for the money, nothing beats the SS65.


Active Member
They are finicky skimmers that need regular adjustment. Beware that there are a lot of threads of them pouring over. I put mine in sump for the very reason.


New Member
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
Here is the same exact skimmer it spaced 8.5 inches from the wall. I could bring it in closer, but I don't mind.
Do you have the tube that goes from the intake to a canister plugged with something?


I just got the cora-life 65 about 2 weeks ago for my 40 gal, when I set it up to go through its 24 hour break in period, I had to tune the flow way down otherwise it would have overflown!!! it was also spewing out ALOT of microbubles, I was thinking about maybe putting some more foam in the return to cut back on it, but it started making less microbubbles and I think/hope I have it tweaked just right now, is yours really sensitive to adjustments too? Are you wet-skimming or dry-skimming? I'm afraid to wet-skim because I dont want to take a chance on an eruption and flood.


I have the SS65 also. I love the great stuff this skimmer gets out of my tank. Although I have a great deal of microbubbles in my tank also. Its aggravating, and I have tried to adjust this thing everyday. Nothing seems to work, guess I will have to put it in a sump before long.


They are finnicky...I drilled a little hole in my collection cup almost half way up, I have an RO tube feeding into small bait bucket down below in case of an overflow situation. It has done it many times. There have been times when I've hated the microbubbles are non existent with it though. I put a filter from a powersweep over the outlet pipe, after stuff starts growing on it, it just stops producing bubbles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coolguy818
Here is the same exact skimmer it spaced 8.5 inches from the wall. I could bring it in closer, but I don't mind.
Could you please show a picture of exactly how you have your CSS set up? I see that you have tubing and some kind of valve attached to the tube going to the water level dial. Are you using the bubble box in your tank?
Pictures and explanations of your set up would be greatly appreciated.