Coral banded shrimp Claws gone?!


New Member
My beloved CB, that i've had for a almost a year, lost one of his big main claws(the entire arm) two days ago... I thought it was a strange, but a freak accident, until yesterday when I noticed the other one was gone two(just laying in the sand!) The only other inverts in there are clean up crews and a fire shrimp.- All of which are ok and the water tested ok- a lil high on the nitrates
I did not think this was a normal thing for them to shed, or is he going to grow them back?


Active Member
A few months ago, every other time he would molt his skeleton, one of the claws would not come back. Nothing ever happened because of it. I thought it might be an Iodide/iodine deficiency, so I started dosing a little more. The problem has not occurred since. I cannot be certain that the iodide was the cause, but the higher iodide concentration seems to have helped him molt better.