Coral banded shrimp combatibility..


I was thinking of getting one in my 26 gallon tank. Right now in the tank are a bunch of blue leg hermits. 28 pounds of live rock. A dsb. 2 bar gobies. 1 small gold striped maroon. And a yellow tang wich about the size of a quarter. I also have a blue linkia starfish and a brittle star. Could a coral banded shrimp be placed in my tank without any problems? I will be upgrading my tank in about 3 months and i will be moving the tang and maroon.
I can only speak from my experience. I have a 55 gal. stocked with green brittle star, hermits, cucumber, snails, yellow tang, blue- yellow tail damsels, squirrel fish, and assorted corals, hawaiian feather duster. I have kept 2 coral banded shrimp successfully for 5 yrs. with no problems whatsoever. The shrimp just move along the rocks and substrate picking stuff off to eat, and has not harmed anything. It does however try to steal food away from the corals, and is sometimes successful, but causes no harm.


I have found the cbs to be very tempermental...pretty much depends on the "personality" of the one you get. I put one in with a cleaner shrimp (which is supposed to be ok) and the cbs ate it in 2 days. A cbs might pick on the starfish (mine also ate turbo snails) and possibly the gobies if they are small enough. I have also had cbs that didn't bother anything in the tank so it is hard to say.


Maybe if you buy a tiny one it would fit in better. I have one right now that is a terror but he was large when I got him so I guess he thinks he's the boss. If you start with a small one maybe he would get used to not being the "big dog" and be more docile. HTH


Yes he is indeed wearing a Liverpool shirt and he was watching the first game of the season with me yesterday. He had two Liverpool kits as soon as we saw the ultrasound.:D Good eye!


Active Member
I bought a small CBS and haven't had a problem with it yet. I also encountered an aiptasia bloom, and added a few peppermint shrimps to help rid the tank of the aiptasia after being advised by others on the board not to add peppermints w/ a CBS. I've had no problems, and in fact all the shrimp scavenge in the same area of the tank together with no problems. Maybe I'm lucky, or maybe it helped by having a small CBS.


I've never had any problem with mine either, and he's huge...he's in my 100gal with a cleaner and about five peppermint shrimp. They're all massive now, but when I got the peppermint shrimp, they were tiny and the CBS was big


Mine was very aggressive, hated to take him back but had to do it. I replaced him with a blood red shrimp and I really like this guy.


I would watch him, because those gobies (depending on size and agression) may get picked on and possibly killed.