Coral banded shrimp exo-skeleton? ASAP!

I thought he died when I turned the lights on, like one of the fish killed him or something but then I saw him under the same rock he always stays under..Should I remove it? I am not to sure what to do here..PLEASE HELP!


Active Member
either way you should be fine...I haven't removed any of my molts in a LONG time and everything is doing fine. generally the current in the tank, the clean up crew, etc... will take care of it.


Active Member
There's really nothing to foul a tank in a molt. They sometimes leave some meat behind if they drop a claw during the process, but other than that, just think of it as a shell.


Active Member
I mean, sometimes after they molt they only have one claw until the next molt. The claw they drop would have the "meat".


Active Member
Watch the molt. Yesterday I was startled to see amphipods all over my cleaner molt. it was kind of cool, cause they do that cute little "spiny" You may or may not know what I'm talking about, but if you do I think it's adorable.