Coral Banded shrimp for free!


I have a fairly large Coral Banded Shrimp that needs a home. I live in Cleveland OH. It's a beautiful shrimp and I loved it in my tank but once I got a dwarf lion it would not leave it alone.
So I have it in my quarantine tank now and need to get rid of it, so I can treat my domino damsel (still in the 75g tank) for fin rot. Let me know if you're close to me and want it. I can meet you somewhere and bring it.


Active Member
You could always bring it to a LFS and try and get some credit for it. That is, if you need the tank open right away. Good luck getting rid of him/her!


The CBS seems to love screwing with the dwarf lionfish. He seemed kind of aggresive towards the others but eventually calmed down, but as soon as the lion was introduced he started messing with him. I gave it a little time to see if he'd get used to the lion but he'd chase and attempt to pinch him all night.
I put her (the CBS) in my quarantine tank which was cool since it was just an empty tank. I liked having something in it too, but then my domino started showing signs of what I expected was fin rot but now I'm pretty sure its from fighting with tankmates.
So I put the CBS back in the big tank and the domino in the quarantine. But the CBS still messes with the lion and I just want rid of her. Hopefully I find a home soon, because I could never just kill it or anything but it's stressing my lion and pissing me off.
Thanks guys,