coral banded shrimp is too shy


Active Member
I just picked up this shrimp 3 days ago and all he has done while the lights are on is hang out under the lr where nobody can see him. I can see him in the reflection off the back of the tank, but CMON!! I paid freakin twenty bux for his butt! What's his deal?


Active Member
His deal is he's nocturnal or used to deeper waters where the lights not so bright;) Give him/her some time to adjust your tank and youll see more of it. HTH


Most CBS will hide behind rocks and corals. Try feeding him by hand and he'll eventually come out. Give it some time. Cleaners are out all the time.
i have a pepermint shrimp and, other than his wiskers at feeding, i haven't realy seen him in 3 months (except his reflection).


Active Member
PS--- you may not want to risk adding anymore shrimp in your size tank with that CBS. They tend to be very territorial. Mine doesn't seem to bother my cleaners so much. However, there are two of them, and are near his size. They group together. But, he apparently doesn't like peppermints. I believe he killed mine, and the person who gave me the CBS says the dang thing killed all the peps in his tank too. :eek: