Coral Banded Shrimp=killer


I have a coral banded shrimp and a peppermint shrimp in my reef tank. I just got a new cleaner pack with some blue hermits and some zebra hermits. In the last couple of days about 4 of my zebras have been killed. I find both shrimp eating them, just trying to figure out which one is more likely the killer. They seem to be targeting the zebras for some reason. There was a small crab that came on some new live rock I got and when I was trying to remove him my coral banded shrimp came out of nowhere and ate him. I wonder if now he has a taste for crab. Any ideas???????


Oh wow, You make me glad I didnt buy one for my tank!! Never heard of such a thing.
'They' say the coral banded wont harm other shrimp, but never heard anything about crabs. I personally dont like hermit crabs in the tank-too big-too clumsy-need to provide lots of spare shells etc. etc. Are you sure the crabs didnt DIE and THEN your shrimp ate them?
funny how we learn what you can and cannot put together!


Active Member
I got a coral banded on 01-17-06, and he only likes to chase my Skunk Shrimp if he is in the vacinity of him. He leaves every thing else alone, but when I feed my tank I make sure alot of food falls really close to him, so he is well feed! Mine seems well mannered, but now that I say that, you know I need to go check out my tank... cause my luck he has killed all that I have ...LOL.... But he has been a great addition to my tank.


Active Member
I have 8 Zebra Hermits, and 10 plain hermits, and one stow-a-way scarlet hermit (he caught a ride to my tank on my Toadstool Leather), he doesn't even concern him self with them, he just loooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeessssssssssssss food!!!!!


I have a cbs ,5 peppermint shrimp, 5 emerald crabs, hermit crabs and a cleaner shrimp and they all live together peacefully. :happyfish


Active Member
I have emeralds, porcelan, cleaner shrimps and peppermint shrimps and they all get along fine. The cleaners are fun to watch because they will double team a fish when cleaning. The fish love them! I wanted a coral banded shrimp but was told that they need plenty of room and will kill other members of it's species. I think I will hold off on getting one.


Right now I have a load of blue legged hermies, turbo snails, emerald crab, fish, mushrooms, and a leather in with our peppermint shrimp. He doesn't go after a single thing in the tank. Heck, most times we're wondering if he's even still alive in there because he never, and I mean never, comes out of his rock! When we get worried about him we have to wait till dark then try to catch sight of him. I wouldn't think your peppermint is the problem but anything is possible.


Most likly the blue leggs killed them. I keep just red legged there very busy and don't seem to fight or kill my snails for thier shells like the blue leggs.


my coral band was awsome the only complant was that while i was feeding my anemone he would pop up and take the food and leave dumped somewhere for the crabs to get
so then i would need to feed agin and take out the scrapes before it messed up my levels
then one day i was redoing my tank and placed a rock on his claw when i notice the next day it was to late


Active Member
What are your water parameters??? Lets try to find the root of the problem, not assume.
Are u sure theyre not molts??


yeah, i am sure they are not molts. My water parameters are good, corals are doing fine too. I am beginning to think it is the peppermint shrimp because he is very nosey. I think he ate one of my corals in the past. I had a queen conch and I think it has been eaten by the shrimp as well. The shrimp would go up to the conch and turn it over and start picking inside, but I think the peppermint finally killed it. Peppermint shrimp may be going to the LFS. I see my CBS and he just walks over everything and doesnt bother anything, I think he was just getting leftovers. I love my coral banded shrimp and could not get rid of him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by JTMaclain
yeah, i am sure they are not molts. My water parameters are good, corals are doing fine too. I am beginning to think it is the peppermint shrimp because he is very nosey. I think he ate one of my corals in the past. I had a queen conch and I think it has been eaten by the shrimp as well. The shrimp would go up to the conch and turn it over and start picking inside, but I think the peppermint finally killed it. Peppermint shrimp may be going to the LFS. I see my CBS and he just walks over everything and doesnt bother anything, I think he was just getting leftovers. I love my coral banded shrimp and could not get rid of him.

....Whats good?