coral banded shrimp lost his claws.....

ive had my shrimp for a year or longer, 2 days ago i added a diamond goby. today i noticed one of my shrimps claws came off and he seemed to be doctoring his other as if it was hurt/broken. i checked on him awhile later and his other claw was gone. could this be the work of the new goby?
i have not added anything new to my tank in at least a year. will my shrimp be ok without claws? do they grow back?


Active Member
I am not 100% but I think they will grow back.
I have heard people say that you should feed them with meaty food and soak it in garlic and vitamins. This will make them molt faster and hopefully grow back his claws.
good luck!!


Yes, they will grow back, assuming whatever ripped them off doesn't finish him off first. He has smaller sets of claws that he feeds himself with, so he will be fine in that regard.


Active Member
Hand feed him until they grow back. Mine lost both of his one time... I pulled them off accidently when moving him O.O
all the fish in my tank have been the same for over a year untill i added the diamond goby two days before he lost his claws. im just glad to hear his claws will grow back.