Coral Banded Shrimp -- need advice!


Okay, I have a problem situation and need some advise . . . here goes . . .
A bit over a week ago I ordered and received a package from that included several turbo snails, hermits, emerald green crabs, brittle stars, and a coral banded shrimp. This was my first purchase from this vendor, and I have been pleased thus far.
From about day 2 or 3 though, the shrimp appeared to not be doing well (minimal movement. laying on back, and being picked at by my yellow tang and percula clown). In fact, he has lost one pincher and two days ago I had decided that he probably would not make it. To this day though, he still hangs on and -- in fact -- shows some signs of improvement.
Tonight, as a surprise gift, my sons brought me a Coral Banded Shrimp that they got from a local dealer. I was not aware of this until well after the store had closed, so returning it is not a real possibility. I am very thankful for their thought, but as you know, Coral Banded Shrimp (other than a mated pair) should not be kept in the same tank because they will fight.
So my quandry is obvious. I have removed the new shrimp from the bag and started acclimation with a drip line. I could try to return the shrimp to the store tomorrow, but I am not sure they would accept the return. I thought about removing the existing shrimp and placing him in my sump tank until he heals or dies -- but if he heals, then I am still in the same quandry.
Am I overestimating the risk of fighting? I have a 55 gal tank, so there is not a huge amount of room for them each to have their own space. Any suggestions???


Active Member
Welcome to the board!
as for the shrimp, are they similar in size? what type of sump do you have? if it is a fuge, i would throw teh wounded pincer less guy in the sump, theres probably tons of stuff down there for him to chow on....keeping them together ina 55 shouldnt be an issue. Most shrimp of the Lysmata genus are simultaneous hermaphrodites, meaning that they can change their ---.......or at least this si the case with pepps, and cleaners, i assume it would be the same for the CBS as well.....sso theoretically if they are both the same --- and can put up with one another long enough, they may turn into a mated pair.......youve got a lot of say introduce hima dn see what happens. if the new guy begins to show agression or vice versa, pull the agressor out and place him in the sump!
good luck


The wounded shrimp is larger -- noticeably so. My sump is just a 10 gal tank with a protein skimmer. Not familiar with the term "fuge." I am just getting back into the swing of things after about 5 years of a dormant (more or less) tank. Trying to get geared up again.


Active Member
your sump doesnt have a sandbed/ that is lit with algae growing in it? if not hen putting the shrimp down there wont work. i still think you should try adding them and see what happens
good luck


I think that is what I am going to do . . . intruduce him and see. If they fight, then I'll pull out the wounded guy and put him in the sump.
No, the sump is not lit regularly and has no sand bed.
Although my water quality through basic tests appears excellent, I have had a VERY minimal bio load for the past few years and am just starting to boost things up now. I am very interested in studying up on the filtration and lighting trends that have evolved over the past few years when I have been basically away from the hobby.
Presently, I have the protein skimmer in the sump as my only real mechanical filtration (pre-filter, of course, hanging on the tank). I have live rock in the tank.
I have 2 - 48" VHO flourescent tubes (don't remember which ones, coralife I think) pushed by a Coralife Wizard ballast and 2 "plain" 18" flourescent aquarium lights. I suspect that my light is really inadequate to do much with corals or anemones, but I am kinda lost as to where to go or how to get there. MH scares me because of heat.