Coral Banded Shrimp Question.



Hey, I just got a small CBS and I have heard that they love to feed on hermit crabs and snails.
I have a few hermit crabs that are about 1/2" - 3/4" in length and two Turbo snails in my 29 gallon reef.
Should I be worried about having these together? also would my CBS be aggressive to any new shrimp like a Cleaner Shrimp, or a Peppermint?
Thanks for the help.


Ever since I got the CBS, my peppermint shrimp and CUC have disappearing. I personally haven't seen him eat it but I always catch him bothering them. And theres nothing else agressive in the tank. If the shrimps/hermits are good sizes, he will probably leave them alone.


i would be worried about the cbs attacking your fish also. i had one and i suspect it is what killed one of my clowns. i thought it was the culprit but wasnt sure so i left him in the tank. then one day shortly there afteri watched the stupid thing lash out at a fish swimming by. he left our residence that day.


well i woke up this morning and found my coral banded shrimp on top of my scooter blenny picking him up and slamming him down and he was already dead so i'm guessin thats what killed him.


I have a pretty large CBS in my tank, but it's not very confrontational. It''s wierd because most of the are and will come out arms flailing at anything that comes close to them, but mine just chills behind some of my rockwork and stays put. Who knows, maybe he'll turn into a murederous

like the sally lightfoot I had to get rid of.


Haha ya they have personalitys for sure.
my friends cbs used to pick on everything in the tank but once he got his ab tang it started picking up his cbs and dropping him on the other side of the tank. its kinda funny,


They are pretty good if you have an infestation of brisstle worms. My 24g got infested with it and even though they are good to have it was way too much. Some of them were HUGE. To get it under control I got one and he fixed that problem quick.


The CBS is a night predator and most likely you will never catch him eating any of your fish or inverts. But trust me they are viscous. I had 20-30 snails in my tanks....i think I'm possibley down to 5-10. If its prey is small enough, it will eat it.


huh? didn't know this about CBS?? I have one that is getting huge and now likes to hang out near my new BTA!


Originally Posted by cabin7882
huh? didn't know this about CBS?? I have one that is getting huge and now likes to hang out near my new BTA!
It all depend on the personality of your CBS. Also if you dont let it get hungry than it shouldn't be attacking the others.


Active Member
its funny...i have had my CBS for nearly 2 years now and i have never had a problem with him...not even one...
i truly believe the CBS's get a bad wrap because people do not properly take care of them...they are scavengers...this means that if they are hungry then they will go looking for food...if you eliminate the hunger issue you shouldnt have very many problems...
i spot feed mine once a day with a small piece of silverside...
this is not to say that he has never been agressive...i have seen him several times chase away any fish that gets near him...he will just show his dominance(even to my Fuzzy Dwarf Lion) and that is the extent of his agression...


I disagree jtrzerocool, My cbs is well fed, yet loves to pick at everything in my tank, killed some corals, believed to be the killer a fish (but could never prove it), looked to have killed a hermit (or he was just eating its molting leftovers, but pretty sure it was the hermit itself) I try to drop a piece of food to him everyday and hes still a douche bag!
Anything that I put in that tank he will check out to see if he can eat it......
I believe it just depends on if you get a nice one or a mean one, I bought a mean one.