Coral Banded Shrimp Questions


Well i saw one of these buggers yesterday and had to by one. I have a 40 gal cube reef tank i was wondering if im goin to run into any problems. The LFS said it was caught in the wild down in the keys. Anybody who feels like helpin out give a holler.


Active Member
mine behaves for the most part. he gets a little mad when a fish comes near him or picks at his antenas. theyre fun to watch at night. the only thing i would advize not to do is add some other type of shrimp, as the CBS would probably eat it.


alright well the only other shrimp in there is a pepppermint. is he in danger??? will the CBS mess with my coral at all??


Active Member
no the CBS wont mess with your corals at all. as far as the peppermint goes its pretty much a toss up. he may go after it, he may not.


alrite thats good to know. i havent seen the peppermint in a couple weeks so he might not be tere anymore anyway.